I have had help with code which uses dummies to identify a change in relationship status, such as from single to married. I have similar code for other relationship changes (i.e. single to de facto, de facto to married, de facto to separated, married to separated, separated to divorced, etc). However, I feel this code is clumsy, long winded and feel there is more direct way to code it.
I would appreciate help to track a relationship from start to finish to be able to measure the length of relationships (in years).
sort id wave cap drop droppout gen droppout = mi(marstat) // marital status cap drop if_* gen if_sin_to_mar = 0 if droppout == 0 bys id (wave): replace if_sin_to_mar = 1 if marstat==1 & 1.marstat== 6 & 1.mrcurr != . & mrcurr != . bys id (wave): egen if_sin_to_mar_N = sum(if_sin_to_mar) if droppout == 0 // not sure if this helps? gen timeline_sin_mar = . replace timeline_sin_mar = 0 if if_sin_to_mar == 1 bys id (wave): replace timeline_sin_mar = l.timeline_sin_mar + 1 if timeline_sin_mar == . bys id (nwave): replace timeline_sin_mar = l.timeline_sin_mar - 1 if timeline_sin_mar == .
Below is the detail on the marital status variable: marstat
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