Dear All, How can I tabulate the following two variables altogether (horizontally).
. tabulate zz_new 

     zz_new |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
          A |         31        2.56        2.56
         A+ |         63        5.21        7.77
         A- |         22        1.82        9.59
         AA |         60        4.96       14.55
        AA+ |        191       15.79       30.33
        AA- |         46        3.80       34.13
        AAA |        790       65.29       99.42
        BBB |          2        0.17       99.59
       BBB+ |          4        0.33       99.92
       BBB- |          1        0.08      100.00
      Total |      1,210      100.00

. tabulate other_new

  other_new |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
          A |         25        2.07        2.07
         A+ |         41        3.39        5.45
         A- |          3        0.25        5.70
         AA |         95        7.85       13.55
        AA+ |        153       12.64       26.20
        AA- |         64        5.29       31.49
        AAA |        828       68.43       99.92
        BBB |          1        0.08      100.00
      Total |      1,210      100.00
I'd like to have results (something) like this:
. list

     | ranking    zz     zz_per   other   other_~r |
  1. |       A    31   .0256198      25   .0206612 |
  2. |      A+    63   .0520661      41   .0338843 |
  3. |      A-    22   .0181818       3   .0024793 |
  4. |      AA    60   .0495868      95   .0785124 |
  5. |     AA+   191   .1578512     153   .1264463 |
  6. |     AA-    46   .0380165      64   .0528926 |
  7. |     AAA   790   .6528926     828   .6842975 |
  8. |     BBB     2   .0016529       1   .0008264 |
  9. |    BBB+     4   .0033058       .          . |
 10. |    BBB-     1   .0008264       .          . |
If this is possible, can I have `ranking' as AAA, AA+, AA, AA-, A+, A, A-, BBB+, BBB, and BBB- (from top to bottom)?