Hi all,

I'm hoping for some advice in trouble shooting. I'm having trouble export svg files - my layers keep disappearing (I think). I tried to create an example but it worked perfectly, so now I'm just confused. The below code creates a histogram in an svg file that displays fine on Word.

sysuse lifeexp

twoway (histogram lexp if region == 2, fcolor(ebblue) frequency) ///
(histogram lexp if region!=2, fcolor(purple%50) frequency)

graph export "$graphs/mygraph.svg", replace
However when I try the below code, using real data (22K obs, 'dob)_y' is a double type) , I get empty layers, as per the image below. (Note this is an annotated screenshot because I don't think I can upload .svgs files.) Even when I 'save as' from the graph window, where my graph displays perfectly, I get the same thing. There is a very small amount of data in the bottom left corner - I was wondering if somehow I had set things up to have an enormous graph area, but I'm not sure how to check for that. I'd be grateful for any troubleshooting advice.

twoway (histogram dob_y, fcolor(ebblue) frequency ) ///
(histogram dob_y if mar==1, fcolor(purple) frequency )
graph export "$graphs/freq_byAge.svg", replace
