Hi all!

I created a variable indicating in which income decile individuals of a population are. I tabulated this variable:

. tab decile [aw=dwt]

decile | Freq. Percent Cum.
1 | 4,824.751 10.01 10.01
2 | 4,821.9915 10.00 20.01
3 | 4,817.9334 9.99 30.01
4 | 4,819.9383 10.00 40.00
5 | 4,826.7076 10.01 50.02
6 | 4,812.9441 9.98 60.00
7 | 4,821.7949 10.00 70.00
8 | 4,828.6192 10.02 80.02
9 | 4,814.1271 9.99 90.01
10 | 4,818.1928 9.99 100.00
Total | 48,207 100.00

I need to store in some locals the ten % (e.g. local dec01 should be equal to 10.01, local dec02 should be equal to 10.00 and so on).
In a second step, I'd like to do a bar chart in which to show as a bar the mean income of each decile and as a dot the % of inidividuals in the same decile.

Thank you in advance.