
I am working with spatial data and trying to export my estimation results from the spregress command using the user-written package esttab (SSC). I am trying (and struggling) to manipulate esttab output to achieve two things:
  1. Group spatial lags that were estimated using different weighting matrices together.
  2. Rename the "groups" under which the variables are displayed.
Here is an example of the problem:
copy https://www.stata-press.com/data/r16/homicide1990.dta .
copy https://www.stata-press.com/data/r16/homicide1990_shp.dta .
use homicide1990
spmatrix create contiguity W
spmatrix create idistance W2

eststo model1: spregress hrate ln_population ln_pdensity gini, gs2sls dvarlag(W) ivarlag(W: gini) ivarlag(W2: ln_population ln_pdensity)
esttab model1
The table that I get looks like this:
ln_populat~n        0.894**
ln_pdensity         0.179   
gini                80.10***
_cons              -34.25***
gini               -5.941   
hrate               0.301**
ln_populat~n       -0.521   
ln_pdensity         1.864   
N                    1412   
t statistics in parentheses
* p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001

What I would like to get instead is something like that:
ln_populat~n        0.894**
ln_pdensity         0.179   
gini                80.10***
_cons              -34.25***
New name                         
gini               -5.941   
hrate               0.301**
ln_populat~n       -0.521   
ln_pdensity         1.864   
N                    1412   
t statistics in parentheses
* p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001
I've noticed that the variable names are stored in an unfamiliar to me notation which may hint as to what the possible solution is:
. di e(exogr)
hrate:ln_population hrate:ln_pdensity hrate:gini hrate:_cons exog*W:gini exog*W2:ln_population exog*W2:ln_pdensity endog*W:hrate
Using the rename option or the varlabel option does not help. Would anyone happen to have any suggestions on how to approach it?