HI Everyone,
I am using data with 28 DMUS for 16 years, therefore, 473 observations. I have 4 outputs and 3 inputs. My purpose is calculate technical efficiency using DEA proceadure. I've use the following stata command:
"dea i_1 i_2 i_3 = o_1 o_2 o_3 o_4, ort(out)"
Here we have the first problem, Stata does not calculate and has the following error:
"matsize too small to create a [473,3] matrix r(908)"
One way to solve this problem is setting matsize, I always select 500 matsize with the following stata command
"set matsize 500" and come to try with the previous stata command
"dea i_1 i_2 i_3 = o_1 o_2 o_3 o_4 , ort(out)"
After wait more than 48 hours, stata report me the following error
"Matrix has missing value r(504)"
I've checked panel data carefully and I dont have missing values.

Variable Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max

i_1 473 10171.24 6514.578 1535 28910
i_2 473 2929735 2541250 240671 1.11e+07
i_3 473 198.3827 111.5396 43 578
o_1 473 5071213 1.20e+07 2 6.06e+07
o_2 473 5498762 7649714 2 3.18e+07
o_3 473 973899.1 1703909 2 8942434
o_4 473 6066606 4587620 430218 2.03e+07

Lastly, I checked using codebook comand "codebook i_1 i_2 i_3 o_1 o_2 o_3 o_4" and none variable had missing values.

Have someone experience in the same problem? Can someone help me?
Thank everybody.
José Cano.