I am making a bar chart and am using the "over" option so that I can plot multiple bars for a series of dates (i.e. 3 different bars for t, 3 different bars for t+1, etc.) so that the bars are grouped. However, I have a lot of dates I am doing this for so I'd like to display only a selection of those dates on the x-axis. However, it seems I can only adjust things like the label angle, size, whether the location of the labels alternates, etc. but I cannot seem to control the number of ticks like I can with, say, a line chart in stata. I am just missing something simple about the over(label( ... ) ) syntax?
Additionally, I cannot get the dates I am using for the over(dates) option to display as quarterly dates-- they just show up as numbers. However, when I try over(label(format(%tq)), nothing happens. Any tips?