Hello all! I have a huge favor to ask: I tried to impute some variables using the following commands: mi set mlong mi register imputed FDI entry_time_o ppp PrivateCreditGDP PoliticalStability mi register regular ERV Tax skilldiff2 Inflation Openness Infrastructure urban contig comlang_off dist comcur mi impute mvn PoliticalStability = ERV Tax skilldiff2 Inflation Openness Infrastructure urban contig comlang_off dist comcur FDI entry_time_o ppp PrivateCreditGDP , add (5) however, i always get the following error message: "Iteration 0: imputed data contain missing values This may occur when imputation variables are used as independent variables, when independent variables contain missing values, or when variance-covariance matrix becomes not positive definite. You can specify option force if you wish to proceed anyway" using force does not do anything by the way... The fun thing is that when I exclude FDI (my dependent variable) everything works just fine... There is no pattern of missing values, I have tried different m, less than 10% are missing and everything seems to be alright I don't know what else to check. Please help! Verena
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