after intensive studying of the available resources online, I am still left with some questions regarding mediation analysis with multiple control variables and bootstrap CIs.
Note: the following variables are of interest:
IV: Family_Firm_Identifier
M: Acquisition Frequency
CV: All other variables that you find below in the code
I have currently managed to get the following code to run, which uses a fixed effects model with fixed effects for Industry (dSIC and Year Dummy):
capture drop program bootcm program bootcm, rclass sureg (Acquisition_Frequency Family_Firm_Identifier Founder_Identity FirmAge FirmSize Indebtedness dSIC* Dummy*) (ROA Family_Firm_Identifier Founder_Identity Acquisition_Frequency FirmAge FirmSize Indebtedness dSIC* Dummy*) return scalar inds = [Acquisition_Frequency]_b[Family_Firm_Identifier]*[ROA]_b[Acquisition_Frequency] return scalar direct = [Acquisition_Frequency]_b[Family_Firm_Identifier]*[ROA]_b[Acquisition_Frequency] end bootstrap r(inds), reps(5000) nodots: bootcm
[...] is based on some pretty strong normal theory assumptions
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If your model contains control variables, i.e., covariates, you must include these in each of the sem equations. Thus, your sem model will look something like this:sem (MV <- IV CV1 CV2)(DV <- MV IV CV1 CV2)
where DV stands for the dependent variable, IV stands for the independent variable, MV stands for the mediator variable, and CVs stand for the covariates.
sem (Acquisition_Frequency <- Family_Firm_Identifier Founder_Identity FirmAge FirmSize Indebtedness dSIC* Dummy*)(ROA <- Acquisition_Frequency Family_Firm_Identifier Founder_Identity FirmAge FirmSize Indebtedness dSIC* Dummy*)
no paths from latent variable ROA to observed variables
Could anyone tell me what I am overseeing here / would need to do in order to fix it? Very happy about any help!
Warm regards, John
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