I'm working on a loop to unzip many zipfiles which have in common title two values: 603 and 634. Hence, the
foreach i in 603 634
contains only two values: 603 and 634. The first time the loop runs fine but when it comes to the second value, it just stops and sends the message that the first file (note: with the 603 value) is not found.

I have another loop with the same
foreach in 603 634
values for the loop, but this time, it runs to convert spss files into dta files; and once again, it stops for the second value.

I'll write down the loop to get checked out:

foreach i in 603 634 {
mkdir "$directorio/`i'"
cd "$directorio/`i'"

   foreach j of numlist 1/5 {
   copy http://iinei.inei.gob.pe/iinei/srienaho/descarga/SPSS/`i'-Modulo0`j'.zip `i'-Modulo0`j'.zip 
   unzipfile `i'-Modulo0`j'.zip, replace
   erase `i'-Modulo0`j'.zip
   foreach k of numlist 7/9 {
   copy http://iinei.inei.gob.pe/iinei/srienaho/descarga/SPSS/`i'-Modulo0`k'.zip   `i'-Modulo0`k'.zip 
   unzipfile `i'-Modulo0`k'.zip, replace
   erase `i'-Modulo0`k'.zip
And the second loop:

foreach i in 603 634 {

foreach j in 2017 2018 {

    cd "$directorio/`i'/`i'-Modulo01"
    usespss Enaho01-`j'-100.sav
    save 1, replace
    erase Enaho01-`j'-100.sav
    cd "$directorio/`i'/`i'-Modulo02"
    usespss Enaho01-`j'-200.sav
    save 2, replace
    erase Enaho01-`j'-200.sav
    cd "$directorio/`i'/`i'-Modulo07"
    usespss Enaho01-`j'-601.sav
    save 6, replace
    erase Enaho01-`j'-601.sav
I'm using Stata 13MP/64
I appreciate any possible solutions or answers in advance.