
This is my first time posting on this forum so thank you to everyone in advance.

The simplest way for me to describe my problem is as follows: I have two datasets. The first dataset consists of a list of suppliers and their capacities. It looks like

<supplierid> <capacity>
A 20
B 30
C 10
D 15
The second dataset consists of buyers, how much they want to buy, and who they want to buy from (preferences).

<buyerid> <quantity> <preference> <supplierid>
1 15 1 A
1 15 2 C
2 10 1 A
2 10 2 C
3 20 1 B
3 20 2 A
To explain a little bit further, each buyer wants to buy a fixed amount of quantity. Each buyer also has a preference for who they want to buy from (in general buyers are not willing to buy from all suppliers). A buyer must buy the entire quantity from one supplier i.e. it is not possible for a buyer to buy 1 unit from supplier A and 1 unit from supplier C. Supplier don't have preferences and don't care who they sell to.

What I want to do is make my way down the list of buyers and assign a supplier to each buyer (to the extent that I can). So for example, buyer 1 will buy 15 units from supplier A. Buyer 2 will buy 10 units from supplier C (since supplier A won't have 10 units of capacity left after buyer 1 has purchased 15 units), and buyer 3 will buy 20 units from supplier B. I want my final dataset to look as follows:

<buyerid> <quantity> <sellerid>
1 15 A
2 10 C
3 20 B
Total capacity is much lower than total quantity demanded so, at the end, most buyers will not be able to buy anything.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.
