Hello STATAlist friends!
I'm working with STATA 15 on a project validating a several tests to gold standard. For this I use the "diagt" command, "ref" is gold standard

diagt ref1 test1
diagt ref2 test2
diagt ref3 test3
diagt ref4 test4
diagt ref5 test5

Each line produce a nice table:

[95% Confidence Interval]
Prevalence Pr(A) 33% 33% 33.5%
Sensitivity Pr(+|A) 44.3% 43.4% 45.2%
Specificity Pr(-|N) 78.8% 78.3% 79.3%
ROC area (Sens. + Spec.)/2 .615 .61 .621
Likelihood ratio (+) Pr(+|A)/Pr(+|N) 2.09 2.02 2.16
Likelihood ratio (-) Pr(-|A)/Pr(-|N) .707 .695 .719
Odds ratio LR(+)/LR(-) 2.95 2.82 3.1
Positive predictive value Pr(A|+) 50.7% 49.8% 51.7%
Negative predictive value Pr(N|-) 74.2% 73.6% 74.7%

How do I add all tests into one single table (each test with columns reporting estimate and ci) and export it as .csv? I´ve tried esttab but it doesn't work.

Thank you for your help!

Yours sincerely,
