Hi there,

First of all I am trying to change the widths of the bars in this command (see picture):

graph hbar cbcov tuden if time == 2014 & inlist(country,"ESP","FRA","ITA","PRT","NLD" ) , over(country, sort(order1))  ///
    name("ILO_IR_southern")                        ///
    title("Collective Bargaining in Europe")     ///
    subtitle("Southern European systems")         ///
    graphregion(color(white))                     ///
    legend( label(1 Coverage) label(2 Density) region(lwidth(none))) ///
    asyvars bar(1, fcolor(black) lwidth(none) ) bar(2, fcolor(red) lwidth(none)  )
Is there a way to do that?

Secondly, I am trying to sort the graph according to the variable cbcov in descending order for which I created the variable order1 based on country, so countries with high 'coverage' i.e. cbcov would appear on top, however if I write the code above it wouldn't sort whereas if I run just the first line it sorts the graph but without formating the graph as I want. Is there a solution?