I have Stata 15 with a Stata/SE license. So extension of memory space should be possible. However using "set maxvar 8000" results in the following error message:

 . set maxvar 8000
no; data in memory would be lost
My memory usage is currently:
. memory usage

  Memory usage
                                            used                allocated
    data                              11,290,795               67,108,864
    strLs                                      0                        0
    data & strLs                      11,290,795               67,108,864

    data & strLs                      11,290,795               67,108,864
    var. names, %fmts, ...             1,750,469                2,762,465
    overhead                           1,081,344                1,082,136

    Stata matrices                             0                        0
    ado-files                                  0                        0
    stored results                             0                        0

    Mata matrices                              0                        0
    Mata functions                             0                        0

    set maxvar usage                   5,281,738                5,281,738

    other                              2,439,320                2,439,320
    grand total                       20,441,286               78,674,523
Has anybody an idea, why "set maxvar 8000" does not work?
Thanks a lot!