ivreg2 DV c1 c2 c3 (X = IV), first ffirst
mat list e(first)
rmse .04392683
sheapr2 .51018051
pr2 .51018051
F 44.110727
df 6
df_r 44
pvalue 5.022e-17
SWF 44.110727
SWFdf1 6
SWFdf2 44
SWFp 5.022e-17
SWchi2 305.65958
SWchi2p 5.011e-63
SWr2 .51018051
APF 44.110727
APFdf1 6
APFdf2 44
APFp 5.022e-17
APchi2 305.65958
APchi2p 5.011e-63
APr2 .51018051
I want to export F, SWF and APF from the e(first) list:
estout * using `dv'_$today.xls, replace label /// cells(b(star fmt(a3)) se(par(`"="["' `"]""') fmt(a3))) starlevels(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) /// stats(N_clust N r2 r2_a chi2 F SWF APF, labels("No. of countries" "No. of observations" "R-squared" "Adj. R-squared" "Chi-squared" "FF" "SWFF" "APFF"))
0 Response to export F test of excluded instruments of 1st stage of 2SLS
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