
I am trying to run the lclogit command (from Pacifico, Daniele and Yoo, Hong Il, lclogit: A Stata Module for Estimating Latent Class Conditional Logit Models via the Expectation-Maximization Algorithm (November 11, 2012). UNSW Australian School of Business Research Paper No. 2012 ECON 49. Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=2174146):

lclogit chosen fpr fsec ftert mnopr mpr msec mtert fpr_nch fsec_nch ftert_nch mnopr_nch mpr_nch msec_nch mtert_nch fpr_nch2 fsec_nch2 ftert_nch2 mnopr_nch2 mpr_nch2 msec_nch2 mtert_nch2 nch nch2, group(choicecard) id(respondent) nclasses(4)
Afterwards, I want to obtain the standard errors via the "lclogitml, iterate(0)" command. However, I get the following error:

lclogitml, iterate(0)
-gllamm- is initializing. This process may take a few minutes.
equation z2_5_4 not found
r(111) refers to: no defined variables, non existing variables of mistypes but none of them are the case here. Moreover, it can refer to the fact that the order of the variables differs in the dataset which is also not the case here.

I also tried it with the example from the source above. There I get the error message:

lclogitml, iter(5)
-gllamm- is initializing. This process may take a few minutes.
equation class_share not found
Does someone know how to solve this? I already reinstalled the gllamm package but that did not solve it.

Thank you very much in advance!

Kind regards
