I am trying to run the lclogit command (from Pacifico, Daniele and Yoo, Hong Il, lclogit: A Stata Module for Estimating Latent Class Conditional Logit Models via the Expectation-Maximization Algorithm (November 11, 2012). UNSW Australian School of Business Research Paper No. 2012 ECON 49. Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=2174146):
lclogit chosen fpr fsec ftert mnopr mpr msec mtert fpr_nch fsec_nch ftert_nch mnopr_nch mpr_nch msec_nch mtert_nch fpr_nch2 fsec_nch2 ftert_nch2 mnopr_nch2 mpr_nch2 msec_nch2 mtert_nch2 nch nch2, group(choicecard) id(respondent) nclasses(4)
lclogitml, iterate(0) -gllamm- is initializing. This process may take a few minutes. equation z2_5_4 not found r(111);
I also tried it with the example from the source above. There I get the error message:
lclogitml, iter(5) -gllamm- is initializing. This process may take a few minutes. equation class_share not found r(111);
Thank you very much in advance!
Kind regards
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