
I am doing a secondary data analysis of pre and post-surveys for a falls prevention program. There are 427 pre and post surveys, and each pre- and post-survey notes the # of times fallen in the past three months. I am trying to create a % change variable for each observation based on the TimesFallen_pre and TimesFallen_post variables.

I tried creating the variable by using this code:
gen ReducFalls_percent = (TimesFallen_post - TimesFallen_pre)/TimesFallen_pre

However, I the result is 417 missing values. Many of the participants recorded 0 falls on the pre-survey and 0 falls on the post-survey, so I think my issue is that 0 is being treated as missing? Or the gen command won't divide by 0?

If someone could please help me figure out the correct code to create a % change variable for each observation, that would be awesome.

Thank you