Dear all,

I would like to calculate the 10-year risk of stroke for each individual in my dataset, given a set of covariates.
I am having troubles estimating 10-year individual risks based on a Fine and Gray model.
For a Cox model, I calculate 10-year risk using the following commands:

stset studytime, failure(stroke=1)
stcox age BP sm
predict double xb, xb
predict double basesurv, basesurv
sum basesurv if _t<10
scalar base10y=r(min)
gen risk10y=1 - base10y^exp(xb)
replace risk10y=risk10y*100

Now the question is, how can I calculate the 10-year risks of each individual in my dataset after running a Fine and Gray model?
stcrreg age BP sm, compete(stroke_compete=2)

I would very much appreciate your thoughts.
