I am new to using panel data on stata so I had a few questions.
I am using the India birth recode module of the Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS). This basically acts as an unbalanced panel in that a mother has multiple entries based on the number of children she has. So basically, she enters the survey at the time of marriage and has data entries for each child and exits at the date of interview of the survey. Thus this unbalanced panel gives the retrospective birth history of each woman.
I wanted to declare the dataset as a panel with a year variable corresponding to the id of the person (newid) and year of birth of each child (yobc) using xtset. But I kept getting the error that there are repeated time values, which is natural since mother can have multiple kids and multiple births. So I followed the advice given here and simply did
xtset newid
xtreg childhealth policy treatment did `controls0'
reg childhealth policy treatment did `controls0'
0 Response to xtset and xtreg with all coefficients zero
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