
I'm getting an error re-labeling the risktable variables. I've searched for solutions and haven't found this particular error.

Code, output, and example data is below. When I specify order after risktable, stata reports "(note: option order() is invalid, ignored)". Which means by labels I want for the risk table aren't applied.

Any help is appreciated!


Windows 15.1 MP.

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input float(n2 gl_yrs)
3   12.40274
3  18.846575
3  1.2328767
3 .002739726
3   1.950685
3 .016438356
3   7.873972
3   5.008219
3  .04383562
3   .4684932
3   3.761644
3   7.753425
3   9.542466
3   .1041096
3  .24657534
3   6.057534
3  11.950685
3   5.843836
3   5.786301
3  11.331507
3  .15068494
3  14.356164
3  10.032877
3  10.030137
3  1.6876712
3   .8109589
3   3.578082
3  12.019178
3  10.416438
3   21.00274
3  1.9945205
3   4.441096
4  1.9479452
3   16.48767
3  4.0164385
3    7.80274
3  .26027396
3  1.4273973
3          0
4  1.8767123
3   5.772603
3  1.9972603
3  12.364384
3   6.706849
3   9.961644
3  1.8082192
3   5.216438
3    5.09863
3  1.0356164
3    3.60274
3        6.4
3   12.99178
3   5.010959
3   6.005479
3   2.049315
4  1.1452055
3   1.958904
3   17.01096
3   14.59726
3   7.975342
3   9.323288
3   3.468493
3   .7945206
3   4.934247
3   .4438356
3   .7369863
3  1.0383562
3  2.0164382
3   .7917808
4  17.460274
3  14.038356
3   9.136987
4  13.235617
3  11.123287
3   6.090411
3   9.684932
3  1.8575343
3   .8876712
3  2.0465753
3   6.682192
3   4.882192
3   6.816438
3   4.958904
3  .15068494
3  13.956164
3   4.471233
3   6.287671
3   5.956164
3  3.9342465
3    .830137
3   8.473972
3   .9945205
3   11.00822
3  1.9643836
3   6.843836
3   6.038356
3   4.071233
3   1.731507
3   9.449315
3   15.79726

stcox i.n2 

         failure _d:  graft_fail == 1
   analysis time _t:  gl_yrs

Iteration 0:   log likelihood = -5917.3093
Iteration 1:   log likelihood = -5917.2098
Iteration 2:   log likelihood = -5917.2097
Refining estimates:
Iteration 0:   log likelihood = -5917.2097

Cox regression -- Breslow method for ties

No. of subjects =        3,002                  Number of obs    =       3,002
No. of failures =          828
Time at risk    =  13435.32601
                                                LR chi2(1)       =        0.20
Log likelihood  =   -5917.2097                  Prob > chi2      =      0.6554

          _t | Haz. Ratio   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
        4.n2 |    1.06276    .143686     0.45   0.653     .8153651    1.385219


sts graph, by(n2) tmax(10) risktable(, order(3 "3rd Transplant" 4 "4th Transplant")) 

         failure _d:  graft_fail == 1
   analysis time _t:  gl_yrs
(note: option order() is invalid, ignored)