Hi Stata Community,

I've used maptile many times before, but recently bought a new computer. All the other stata programs have gone fine, but maptile is giving me an issue with literally the same code and ado files. Moreover, I've done "ssc install maptile,replace" for example and it goes through.

Here's what I wanted to run:
maptile cyberjob_per_emp,geo(state)

However, it gives the following error:
geography(state) specified, but it is not installed.
To see a list of installed geographies run: maptile_geolist

So, I click on maptile_geolist, and it tries to run, but gives a separate error:
unable to load directory ...\ado\personal/maptile_geographies

That's odd because that directory does not exist. And all my stata .do files install to a separate directory in my C: drive \ program files \ stata16 folder

What's going on here is not so much a maptile issue as it is a directory issue. Any ideas what's going wrong?