Dear Statalists,

This is my very first post on the forum. Here goes my problem:

I want to generate an interaction term plot by keeping all non-interacted variables set at mean values, one s.d. above the mean, and one s.d. below the mean. I can do the first pair of predictions by setting
 margins, at (otherseat = (0 1), notherdissent = (0 1))
marginsplot, xtitle(“Multiple board seats”) ytitle(“Probability of Dissent”)

But the tricky part is to use margins to generate predictions by setting covariates at mean +-SD and put all three pair of predictions on one plot.

(1) How do I generate predictions after running a logistic regression by setting all covariates at mean+-SD?
(2) How do I put all three pairs of predictions on the plot?

Thanks a lot!