** Below i am including age as a continuous interaction term. outcome is anemia (binary), predictor is (black, binary)
** Below i get estimates for risk of anemia on a single age point.
1- how to get estimates on age ranges, with intervals of 10 years.
2- How to automatically capture all estimate points from below and plot it in a forestplot, either coefplot or other method, but not manually.
3- Is it possible to get all odd ratios for all age points plotted in a line (same way as margin plots but for odd ratio)
webuse nhanes2, clear gen anemia = 0 replace anemia =1 if hgb <=10 logistic anemia female black##c.age prog myeret, eclass ereturn repost b=b V=V end matrix b = e(b) matrix V = e(V) lincom _b[1.black]+_b[1.black#c.age]*30, or lincom _b[1.black]+_b[1.black#c.age]*40, or lincom _b[1.black]+_b[1.black#c.age]*50, or lincom _b[1.black]+_b[1.blac#c.age]*60, or
Help appreciated. Thanks
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