I'd like to make a plot with the margins results for multiple variables

Simply, using auto, I do this:

reg price i.foreign i.rep78
margins foreign rep78

| Delta-method
| Margin Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
foreign |
Domestic | 6134.857 474.7025 12.92 0.000 5186.239 7083.474
Foreign | 6171.614 790.5026 7.81 0.000 4591.92 7751.307
rep78 |
1 | 4575.687 2146.133 2.13 0.037 286.9831 8864.391
2 | 5978.812 1105.625 5.41 0.000 3769.397 8188.227
3 | 6436.745 585.9965 10.98 0.000 5265.724 7607.765
4 | 6064.308 735.0801 8.25 0.000 4595.368 7533.249
5 | 5894.113 1043.948 5.65 0.000 3807.949 7980.277

Now I'd like one figure for these margins, with two groups of scatter, one for each variable. As if I did this:

margins foreign
marginsplot, recast(scatter)

margins rep78
marginsplot, recast(scatter)

But got them in one figure using the same x- and y-axis.

Appreciate any tips!