Dear all,

I want to export table in Excel, but to have nice and funcional table. I have categorical variable lwi, and I tabulate the variable. Also I need wieghted data, therefore I use [iw=rb050] option, where rb050 are cross-sectional weights.

tab lwi [iw=rb050]
logout, save(lwi) excel replace: tab lwi [iw=rb050]

My variable has long value labels, and therefore labels of categories are exported in Excel into several columns. I experimented with fix option, but the results are again not nicely displayed. Also both dec and auto options for decimals remove the decimals, and do not round it, therefore when I put dec(1) option, I get 12.95 rounded to 12.9 instead of 13.0.

Could anyone please help me get some nice excel table. Btw, I have many tab tables, it will be quite time consuming to arrange them by hand. Please find attached the Excel document.

Thank you