
I am creating pie charts over a number of identifiers. Please see below for screenshot.

The identifiers have this form: 67001161 (type: long)

However, the label for the pie chart shows this: 6.70e+07 and variations thereof for all identifier values.

Unfortunately, this representation is not only incorrect but also useless, as the true id is not readable anymore.

Thinking that it might be a space issue I changed text size, legend box and label width but nothing worked so far.

If anyone has come across this problem before and knows of a solution, this would be most helpful.

Code: graph pie surf_PAC if IDZC==12 & surf_PAC>0, over(PAC) by(Y) legend(cols(5) ///
symysize(*.3) symxsize(*.3) size(vsmall) subtitle("Surfaces in ZC12 by Year", ///


Thanks in advance!