I want to know whether it is possible to access the information displayed below -assertion is false- message after -unicode translate- command.
It seems that -set output- command does not help and there is no such macro containing those results. (I am using Stata 15.1 in Windows)
Below is an example of what I want to access, especially the -Look at these example(s)- part.
assertion is false 9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some elements of the file appear to be UTF-8 already. Sometimes elements that need translating can look like UTF-8. Look at these example(s): value-label contents "ȫöȣ " Do they look okay to you? If not, the file needs translating or retranslating with the transutf8 option. Type . unicode translate "2015 SSK survey (HRC151201).dta", transutf8 . unicode retranslate "2015 SSK survey (HRC151201).dta", transutf8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File successfully translated File summary: all files successfully translated
Thank you in advance

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