Hello everyone,

I am trying to run a panel data regression for my thesis aimed at testing the relation between R&D intensity (R&D expenditure/net sales) and Tobin's Q (Market Capitalization/Total Assets). My variables are the following:

-Dependent Variable: Tobin's Q, (ranging between 22,84 and 0,18)

-Controlling Variables:
-Debt/Equity (ranging between 0 and 9,59)
-Return on asset: Net income/Total assets (ranging between 48,78 and -73,50)
-YoY growth sales as a percentage (ranging between 5,33 and -0,70)
-LN (total assets): I apply the ln as the literature suggests

-Independent Variable that I want to test: R&D intensity (ranging between 0,97 and 0,069)

Apart from total assets, all other variables are ratios, including also values <1. In order to have the correct unit of measurement for the correctness of the regression, should I multiply the ratios by 100? To be more clear, should I keep 18% as 0,18 or transform it to 18? As far as I know, the regression studies the impact that 1 unit change in the independent variable has on the dependent variable.

Many thanks in advance,
