I want to use mle to estimate theta for Inverse hyperbolic sine transformation , I have written the likelihood function as follows:
Because the y in myresearch is profit ,and it has negative values.So I want to use mle to estimate the theta and some mistakes arised. it shows "= is not a valid command name" after `y'=asinh(`theta' * $ML_y) / `theta'.Here is my code:

----------------------- copy starting from the next line -----------------------
sysuse auto.dta

cap program drop mylf
program define mylf       
    args  lnf mu sigma  theta
    `y'=asinh(`theta' * $ML_y) / `theta'
    quietly replace `lnf' = ln(normalden((`y' - `mu')/`sigma')) - ln(`sigma') - (1/2)*ln(1+(($ML_y)^2) * ((`theta')^2))

reg price mpg rep78 headroom trunk
matrix b=e(b)
matrix b=b,0

ml model lf mylf ( price = mpg rep78 headroom trunk)(sigma:)(theta:)
ml check
ml init b,copy skip
ml max
------------------ copy up to and including the previous line ------------------
I wonder if you can figure out mistakes in my code,many thanks in advance