Hi, this is my data -

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input byte(state_id dist_id) int village_id long new_hhid byte asset_type long(newcol1 newcol2) byte(newcol3 newcol4) long newcol5 int(newcol6 newcol7)
10 13 31  6 1 200000 . . .     . . .
10 13 31 20 1  45000 . . . 20000 . .
10 13 31 38 1   8000 . . .     . . .
10 13 31 46 1  11000 . . .     . . .
10 13 31 55 1  22000 . . .     . . .
here variable asset_type has two possible values -1 & 2 while vars newcol(1,2..etc) are asset characteristics.

I need to reshape the data in wide format so that for each value of var new_hhid, I have the columns in this format:

asset1newcol1 asset1newcol2 ... asset2newcol1 asset2newcol2. and so on.

I was wondering if anyone could help me with the code.

Thank you.