1. selection bias
2. endogeneity (between wage and union)
Here is what I wrote:
global seleq "density educ age agesq sex marital i.ind i.occ i.region i.time" global wageeq "educ age agesq sex marital i.ind i.occ i.region i.time" probit union $seleq predict xb, xb gen double imr = normalden(xb)/normal(xb) xi: reg lwage union imr $wageeq, r
ivreg2 lwage $wageeq imr (union=$seleq), first robust
Question 2: why does the union variable get dropped when I do this:
heckman lwage union $wageeq, select(union=$seleq) twostep first mills(imr)
Thank you very much!!
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