
I wrote code that uses local macros and matrices to extract p-values from many ttests, and outputs them to excel. However, at some point the p-values get rounded to the nearest hundredth (i.e., a p-value of 0.0008 will show up in my document as 0. Using the below code, how would I adjust so that this rounding does not occur?

local ttest "var1 var2 var3"
local n: word count `ttest'
local i=1
foreach var of local ttest {
ttest `var', by(CST4v1)
// local pvalue: display %05.4f chi2tail(r(df), r(chi2))
local pvalue: display (r(p))
mat r`i'=  `pvalue'
local ++i

forvalues j=2/`n'{
local all "`all' \r`j'"
mat R= r1`all'
mat rownames R = `ttest'
mat colnames R= "P-value"

putexcel set ttest_doc
putexcel A1=matrix(R), names
Thanks so much!