Consider a setting where the RHS of the two equations is identical, what is different is the LHS outcome:

Regression 1:
\[ y = a + bX + e \]
Regresion 2:
\[ y_2 = a_2 + b_2 X + e_2 \]

The goal is to test the equality of the coefficients on X in the two regressions. By browsing on the internet I found two options.

Option 1 is to use suest, as for instance explained here:
Option 2 is to manually stack the data (one dataset copy per regression), creating a dataset dummy variable, and estimating a model where X is interacted with the dummy. This is explained here:

In my "real life" application, I am using -reghdfe- since I also need to absorb a large number of fixed effects. Since the package does not support suest, I am trying to implement option 2.

When I do not "absorb" fixed effects I have no problems, in the sense that on top of running the test of interest I am also able to retrieve the coefficients b and b_2 (and the two intercepts) from the stacked regression. These are identical to those obtained when separately estimating the two original regressions.
However, when I absorb fixed effects this result doesn't hold anymore: the coefficients from the stacked regression are different from those obtained from the two separate regressions. I believe this is due to the fact that de-meaning the two separate models is different than de-meaning the stacked one.

Is it a right approach in this setting to first separately de-mean the two datasets, then stack the de-meaned datasets, and finally apply "Option 2"? My problem with this is that standard errors will be wrongly calculated since we have to take into account a preliminary estimation step. Do you know of alternative approaches to reach the same goal?