Hi! I’m examining how the change in right ventricle systolic function (RVSF) between persons with chronic kidney disease (with systemic hypertension) and persons with systemic hypertension (without chronic kidney disease) (C & H as 1 & 0) is associated with age and other clinical/biochemistry/EKG/Echocardiogram parameters/variables.
I’m getting about this task with a series of essentially bivariate and no more than 3/4 explanatory variables (including interaction and spline terms from principally two variables) on a model.
The question I’m asking requires combination of coefficients via the lincom command.
I’ll appreciate help in correcting for multiple testing of the values from a combination of coefficients to improve robustness of the analysis (I.e. how to apply mtest(Sidak/holm/Bonferroni) or mcompare to lincom combined coefficient p values). Many thanks. (I’ll appreciate commands/codes compatible with Stata 12)
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