Dear Statalist,

I am doing district level analysis (640 districts) on various health related indicators using DHS India. I am using the shp2dta to covert my shape file in dta file. I have pasted the sample output below and want to understand the numbers (x_cen and y_cen). Are these area variables or showing some distance in kilometers or miles? I am using the spatwmat command to compute spatial weights and there is need to give correct band values which can be given after understanding the x_cen and y_cen values. The effort is to calculate Moran's I and related analysis in Stata. Your help will be much appreciated.

shp2dta using "E:\Dropbox\Shepefile_India\India_District_2011_up dated", ///
data("dis_data") coor("cor") genc(cen) genid(id) replace

id x_cen y_cen
1 3268826 176869.2
2 3147581 1035534
3 2557809 551348.6
4 2814988 160980.6
5 4660415 810801.1
6 2820633 939999.8
7 3062156 336397.5
8 3023066 -940661.3
9 3144470 1133928
10 2780850 506332.1

**(id is 640 districts)

spatwmat, name(Wt) xcoord(x_cen) ycoord(y_cen) standardize eigenval(E) band(0 800000)

With Thanks