Dear all,

I am using coefplot to display the coefficient estimates of one variable from different models in a single graph. However I can’t find a good solution to have all confidence intervals displayed in color navy.

Here is my code:

HTML Code:
local y 20 40
foreach x of local y {
    display "`x'"
    foreach outcome in "x2011" "x2012" "x2013" "x2014" "x2015" "x2016" {
    gen run`outcome'=run
regress `outcome' run`outcome' c.x##c.y `covs' /*
*/, vce(cluster `cluster')
    local newlabel = substr("`outcome'", 2, .)
    label var run`outcome' "`newlabel'"
    estimates store est_`outcome'

coefplot (est_`outcome', keep(runx2011) mcolor(navy) levels(99 95 90)) /*
        */ (est_`outcome', keep(runx2012) mcolor(navy) levels(99 95 90)) /*
        */ (est_`outcome', keep(runx2013) mcolor(navy) levels(99 95 90)) /*
        */ (est_`outcome', keep(runx2014) mcolor(navy) levels(99 95 90)) /*
        */ (est_`outcome', keep(runx2015) mcolor(navy) levels(99 95 90)) /*
        */ (est_`outcome', keep(runx2016) mcolor(navy) levels(99 95 90)) /*
        */ , yline(0) graphregion(color(white)) bgcolor(white) legend(off) label vertical /*
        */ yscale(range(-0.01 0.03)) ymtick(-0.01(0.005)0.03) 