I have the following information
How can I get the Palma ratio for each province in Iran?
(Each province has a code)
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input long FamilyCode byte Familysize long Householdcost double weight str2 provincecode byte(Numberchildren Numberadults) 1000001172 4 78334098 730.040555625913 "00" 0 4 1000001177 6 124493597 730.040555625913 "00" 0 6 1000001180 4 115916220 730.040555625913 "00" 1 3 1000001181 4 63545000 730.040555625913 "00" 0 4 1010001058 2 166503300 480.21485567259 "01" 0 2 1010001061 3 69395700 480.21485567259 "01" 0 3 1010001062 4 152237000 480.21485567259 "01" 0 4 1010001065 4 118378300 480.21485567259 "01" 0 4 1010001069 4 236274000 480.21485567259 "01" 0 4 1010002155 3 237815600 671.720096486292 "01" 0 3 1010002158 4 131921720 671.720096486292 "01" 1 3 1010002162 6 133199600 671.720096486292 "01" 1 5 1010002165 4 164902380 671.720096486292 "01" 0 4 1020001005 2 38355000 1155.402801109 "02" 0 2 1020001009 5 111509500 1155.402801109 "02" 2 3 1020001011 5 75596500 1155.402801109 "02" 1 4 1020001016 3 57215400 1155.402801109 "02" 0 3 1020002218 4 144330000 2251.34387864718 "02" 2 2 1040001186 3 76261706 1377.38780093977 "04" 0 3 1040001189 4 65453510 1377.38780093977 "04" 2 2 1040001192 1 20463000 1377.38780093977 "04" 0 1 1040001195 3 72476164 1377.38780093977 "04" 1 2 1040001196 1 37835000 1377.38780093977 "04" 0 1 1040002054 4 153948000 787.195760294191 "04" 1 3 end
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