I've been browsing through posts, but couldn't find exactly what I'm looking (but the nature of my question is very similar to this post here).
I'm trying to do a triple diff model using areg, and my model includes both year and state fixed effects
My current code is:
areg lwage i.teacher##i.treat##i.post `controls' i.year, absorb(statefip) cluster(statefip)
My questions are:
1. First of all, is my above code correct?
Or should I do this instead since the 3-way interaction is all I care about?
areg lwage 1.teacher##1.treat##1.post `controls' i.year, absorb(statefip) cluster(statefip)
2. What I noticed is, the (2) model gives me significant interaction coefficient estimate, but the (1) model don't. Why is that?
I suspect it is because the main effects are not there in the (2) model.
3. In general, are there good reasons to simply estimate the interaction effect without the main effect if the interaction effect is all I care about?
Thank you so much!
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