I know that variables names in Stata are limited to 32 characters, but I am currently trying to replicate a segment of Stata code that someone else wrote. I do not know who it was but it is Stata code. I cannot replicate all of the code since on a few occasions the person that wrote this code used variables names that were 33 characters long.

I have modified the example below, but the lines of code I cannot run is trying to this (each underscore is 10, 20, 30 characters):

The code I found is documented as if the person was able to run it. Does anyone know of any context where this could have been allowed? Or any settings that can be used so that too long variable names are truncated and no error is thrown? Or anything similar?

The indentations used does not seem to be regular do-file editor size, so I am thinking that the person who wrote this used some other kind of code editor. Could that be a clue?

Thanks for any advice!

PS. I know I can make the code running by just shorting the name, but what I trying to solve for my team right now is to see if there is any chance that this code - exactly as it is - could have created the results we are trying to replicate.