Dear all,
I'm doing moderating effects analysis, the dependent variable is Y, independent variables are X1 and X2, the moderator M is a dummy. The regression results are as followed.
According to the coefficients of X1, M and X1*M, I would say M=1 strengthen the relationship between X1 and Y.
BUT according to the coefficients of X2, M and X2*M, how should I explain? Can I say if M=1, the negative relationship between X2 and Y weakens?

Thank you in advance!

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* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
                 |                         Robust
              _t |      Coef.        Std. Err.         z      P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
              X1 |   .0079359   .0009977     7.95   0.000     .0059804    .0098914
              X2 |  -.4227307   .0338015   -12.51  0.000    -.4889805   -.3564809
               M |  -.5504507   .1929086    -2.85   0.004    -.9285447   -.1723568
         X1*M |   .0080749   .0035143     2.30   0.022     .0011871    .0149627
         X2*M |   .2123137   .0816568     2.60   0.009     .0522693    .3723582
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