Dear statalist

I am trying to figure out if there is a way to generate a datafile with all unique items (from all observations in the datafile) in a string variable "intersections" as individual observations, for later merging with another dataset.
I am not interested in saving other parts of this data.

I am not sure what it is called, so I am unsure what to search for to find examples, but I would greatly appreciate suggestions if you have ideas. I am using stata 17 for pc.

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input str5 source str76 term_name str18 term_id double(adjusted_p_value negative_log10_of_adjusted_p_val) int(term_size query_size intersection_size effective_domain_size) strL intersections
"GO:BP" "tube morphogenesis"                             "GO:0035239" .00848689240280593 2.07125130379293 764 47 11 17810 "HMOX1,APLN,APOLD1,ANGPTL4,F3,JUNB,GPX1,HK2,ID1,SDC4,AIMP1"
"GO:BP" "regulation of endothelial cell proliferation"   "GO:0001936"  .0243630191781557 1.61326889292077 110 47  5 17810 "HMOX1,APLN,F3,ATP5IF1,AIMP1"                              
"GO:BP" "regulation of endothelial cell differentiation" "GO:0045601"  .0423562955869072 1.37308202959653  33 85  4 17810 "APOLD1,S1PR3,ID1,VCL"                                     