Dear all,

I am writing a project using IV as my main strategy, and I want to use a dynamic panel as a robustness check.

If we check these two following examples, they have the same results, a similar example from the xtabond2 file. But since my main IV strategy used constant term, is there a way to use the constant term in xtabond2 still?

If I get rid of "nolevel" option, the constant will show up, but it's not the same estimation as IV anymore, hence the results are also different.


ivreg2 D.n (DL.n = l2.n ) if inlist(year,1978), nocons first saverf

xtabond2 n L.n if inlist(year,1978) , gmm(L.n ) h(1) nolevel small svmat svvar

what I want to know is if there is a way to have the same results as IV regression using xtabond2 with a constant term. I.e.,
ivreg2 D.n (DL.n = l2.n ) if inlist(year,1978), first saverf

Thank you so much for your help,