Array Dear friends, I applied PSM using below command,

psmatch2 treat x1 x2 , out(Y) logit ate neighbor(1) common caliper(.08) ties

pstest x1 x2, both graph sup(_support) t(_treated) mw(_weight)

The information is missing for x1.

Unmatched | Mean %reduct | t-test | V(T)/
Variable Matched | Treated Control %bias |bias| | t p>|t| | V(C)
x1 U | 0 0 . | . . | .
M | 0 0 . . | . . | .
| | |
x2 U | .63512 .59678 7.9 | 2.86 0.004 | .
M | .63512 .63512 -0.0 100.0 | -0.00 1.000 | .
| | |
Should I include x1 as one of the controls in the PSM? Or could I include x1 in the following regression after PSM? Thank you so much.