I often execute - in separate instances of Stata - multiple simultaneous do-files. Many of my do-files contain tempfile saves using the syntax below.

tempfile myfilename
save "`myfilename'"
Within any given do-file, this syntax saves the working dataset as a temporary file which is erased at the conclusion of the do-file's execution.

Now, let's say I'm running two separate do-files, each within its own instance of Stata. Each do-file takes about an hour to run, and they are run at the same time. In each of the two do-files, I use the syntax above to save a temporary file named bananas. Here's the question: Could the bananas temporary file from one do-file potentially overwrite the bananas temporary file from the other do-file? Or are the temporary files from these two Stata instances somehow partitioned from one another to avoid interference of this sort?