I have two regression models:

DV1 = bVOI1 + bVOI2 + bVOI3 + bVOI4 + Controls

DV2 = aVOI1 + aVOI2 + aVOI3 + aVOI4+ Controls

The VOI and controls are the same, as well as the sample for the two models. DV1 is a funding source, DV2 is a separate funding source. Both DV are measured as the natural log of a dollar amount. I want to directly test how these two funding sources differ in their response to the variable of interest, but for now I am just considering the significance of the coefficient on the VOI.

I ran SUREG, but how do I compare aVOI1 = bVOI1 for each VOI?

I ran test VOI1 which gave a chi sq, but I'm not sure that is right.

I also want to double check: aVOI1 and bVOI1 are both negative and significant, but aVOI1 is larger. If a test shows these two values are different, I can say that DV1 responds *stronger* to VOI1 than DV2, correct?

Thank you for your help!