I am making a simple table with summary statistics where I want to show the mean and median for several variables. I want to suppress (not show) the value for the median for some variables because it will be obvious from the value of the mean and I don't want the table to be too "busy".
Below is a simple example code where I'd like to suppress the median statistic for variable x. I've found that I can drop whole variables with the drop() function, but
clear all sysuse auto, clear gen x = foreign==0 replace x = 1 if gear_ratio>3.1 est clear estpost tabstat price x , col(statistics) stats(mean p50) esttab using "table1.tex" , replace unstack cells("mean(label(Mean) fmt(a2)) p50(label(Median) fmt(a2))") // drop(x:median)
Including "drop(x:median)" returns the error message: r(111) equation x not found
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