Dear all,

Please kindly help. I would like to report the constants clearly after running my regressions.

Below is my code and the attached (Array ) describes what I have and what I want. I am struggling but failed.

I appreciate your time.

cap log close
cap clear
eststo clear
use "building", clear
sort weight1 MT
xtset weight1 MT

* dependent vars
local dvar1 y1
local dvar2 y2
local dvar3 y3

* indepedent vars
local ivars1 x1
local ivars2 x1 x2 x3
local ivars3 x1 x2 x3 x4

forv d=1/3 {
forv i=1/3 {
foreach var of varlist `dvar`d'' {
eststo: newey `var' `ivars`i'', lag(3)
esttab _all using Table.rtf, replace

Best regards,