Hi all,

I need advice on how to change the dataset which is in the form of table with 6 rows * 3 columns to table with 4 rows * 4 columns.

The original dataset is as follows.

input str6 treat1 str6 treat2 double(value)

treat1 treat2 value
1. "SK" "tPA" 0.98
2. "SK" "atPA" 0.84
3. "SK" "Comb" 0.95
4. "tPA" "atPA" 0.85
5. "tPA" "Comb" 0.97
6. "atPA" "Comb" 1.13
7. end

I need transformation to dataset like this.

input str6 row str6 SK str6 tPA str6 atPA str6 Comb

row SK tPA atPA Comb
1. "SK" . 0.98 0.84 0.95
2. "tPA" 0.98 . 0.85 0.97
3. "atPA" 0.84 0.85 . 1.13
4. "Comb" 0.95 0.97 1.13 .
5. end

I am struggling to find the solution.

I very much appreciate advice/help.

With warm regards,