
I have a doubt that it is not specific about Stata. However, I would like to ask you for any help because I did not find anything convincing.

I run the following regression in Stata:

reg2hdfespatial Actors Rain Temp Rain*EthnicDiversity, timevar(year_country) panelvar(gid) lat(latitude) lon(longitude) distcutoff(500) lagcutoff(100000)

My result is the following:


I would like to ask about the interpretation of the size of my regression. My dependent variable is the number of actors, Rain is the standard deviation of rainfall, Temp is temperature and ELF*Rain is my interaction term of interest, which is the interaction between ethnic diversity and the standard deviation of rain. Both of them are continous variables

How can I quantify the effect of my interaction term on the number of actors? I am asking for the size of the effect.

