Dear Stata Team,
I am running a Panel ARDL model but want to choose between "mg" or "pmg" using the Hausman test.

xtpmg D.logyn logtfp D.loglnhc logky, lr(L2.D.logyn logtfp D.loglnhc logky) ec(ECT) replace mg
xtpmg D.logyn logtfp D.loglnhc logky, lr(L2.D.logyn logtfp D.loglnhc logky) ec(ECT) replace pmg
hausman mg pmg, sigmamore
However, when i run the "mg" model, stata returns:
"invalid new variable name;
variable name ECT is in the list of predictors".
Kindly help to know why I am getting this results.